Early Symptoms
  • Missed Period.

    A first clue that you may be pregnant is if you have missed your period. If you already have an irregular cycle, this could be nothing. However, this along with the following symptoms could mean you are pregnant.

  • Tender Breasts.

    Changes in your hormones can cause breast tenderness. You may have experienced this before a menstrual period before. Your breasts may feel heavy, sensitive, or swollen.

  • Fatigue.

    A hormone called progesterone occurs naturally in your body. It rises and falls with your cycle. When you become pregnant, progesterone begins to rise. This hormone is sometimes called the ‘sleepy hormone’. So fatigue can be an early sign that your hormones are changing to support a pregnancy.

  • Nausea.

    They call it ‘morning sickness’ but it could happen at any time of day. This is caused by the many changes happening in your body. Even just the extra stress.

  • Mood Swings.

    With your hormones increasing, your mood and emotions can be impacted. You may feel like you get angry easier, or as if you can cry on demand. You may feel depressed, irritable, or anxious.

  • Other Symptoms.

    Bloating - Dizziness - Food Aversions - Smell Sensitivity - Heartburn - Metallic Taste

What’s next?

If you think you may be pregnant, come in for a free and confidential pregnancy test!