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What Is Abortion Pill Reversal (APR)?

We’ve all made a decision that we regret. Perhaps we didn’t think it through, or someone talked us into it. If that’s how you feel after starting the abortion pill, there is hope. Learn more about abortion pill reversal.

The abortion pill is also known as a chemical or medical abortion. This regimen uses two drugs to end a pregnancy. The first drug, mifepristone, blocks the much-needed hormone progesterone from reaching the pregnancy.

Without progesterone, the lining of the uterus thins and releases the fertilized egg attached to it. A pregnancy cannot survive without this vital hormone.

Abortion pill reversal floods the body with progesterone to reverse the effects of mifepristone.

Is APR Effective?

Taking progesterone as soon as possible after beginning the abortion pill method is critical. The goal is to start taking progesterone within 24 hours of taking mifepristone. However, women have had reversals as long as 72 hours after taking the first abortion drug.

According to one study, the reversal rates were between 64 and 68%.

Is APR Safe?

Physicians have used progesterone for pregnancy, infertility treatments, and women experiencing menopause for over 50 years. There is no apparent increased risk of birth defects, and the study shows that reversing the effects of mifepristone by using progesterone is safe and effective.

How Do I Access APR?

Call the 24/7 APR Hotline immediately – 877-558-0333. After you speak with someone on the hotline, they will refer you to PCEC. We are approved abortion pill reversal medical professionals and offer free abortion pill reversal.

It’s essential to have an ultrasound to confirm the pregnancy is still viable in your uterus. However, time is of the essence. Do not take the second drug, misoprostol, if you wish to reverse the effects of the first drug.

It may not be too late to save your pregnancy. Call the hotline now – 877-558-0333.

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